Frequently Asked Questions
Is Bryan Manor an assisted living place?
No, Residential Health Care- our services are between Assisted Living and Skilled Nursing

Is Bryan Manor licensed?
We are licensed by the state of New Jersey, Department of Community Affairs

What is the daily cost?
Daily rate is $200, One day respite is $200 as well.

Is there an upfront admission charge?
There is a one- time admission fee of $1,000 one time "non-refundable"

Does a resident have to agree to a minimum term?

How long does it take to admit a new resident?
Less than a week, typically. Their room is prepared and intake information is collected about the resident’s needs and health condition.

What are the obligations of a resident who decides to leave?
To leave their room cleared of personal items and pay any balance for their time here. Must pay within 30 days.

How many residents live at Bryan Manor?
31 is the maximum

Do residents have private rooms?

Do residents have private baths?
No, community bathrooms with private stalls, showers, always assisted.

Are the rooms furnished?
Rooms are furnished but residents are free to bring their own furniture and personal items

Is there a house doctor available for the residents?
Yes, We work with the Primary Care Physicians of each resident.  We can recommend a preferred doctor.

Do you take Medicaid?
No. We are private pay. Bills are sent monthly to the responsible party.

How long can a resident stay at Bryan Manor?
As long as we can safely and adequately address their needs with quality care
Can residents have phones, TVs, and computers?

What are your visiting hours?
This is the resident’s home.  Their friends and family are welcome to visit any time at their convenience.
Bryan Manor 
A Residential Health Care Facility